Visit us at the Croghan Street Fair!
Hello and Happy Tuesday!
We have a super exciting announcement to make on the blog today! Around a month ago I was going through my Facebook feed and I stumbled across a page that was named, “Croghan Street Fair”. This immediately caught my attention and right away I wanted to run an idea past Darrell, I thought it would be great for Miller’s Meat Market to attend the fair as a vendor and participate in this local event, and he agreed! We think this is a wonderful opportunity to interact with our customers, and hopefully bring in more business from different areas. Our goal would be to attend events similar to this one in the future, but a little further away from home. We love meeting new people, and we are hoping to continue to reach new groups of clientele in other territories surrounding Lewis County. Croghan is a great place to see how attending events like these will go for us! We are very excited, and we’d love for you to pay us a visit on Thursday, July 29th in Croghan!
We plan to bring a number of our bestselling products with us on Thursday, so that you can purchase your favorite items right there! Some of those items will include our snack meat favorites like ring bologna, double smoked pepperoni, jalapeno & cheese bologna, pepperjack bologna, summer sausage, and old style summer sausage. We will be bringing along hotdogs, brats, and smoked bunners so you can stock up on grilling items for the weekend! Other possible items we may have would be bacon, maple bacon, kielbasa, andMoser sausage. Besides products like these, we will also be bringing along some containers of our Watson Sand and our Jerked Dry Brine so you can stock up on seasoning for all your summer barbeques.
If you are looking for a light snack at some point in your day, come and see us! We will be sampling our snack sticks and ch’arki so you can try all our new flavors! We will have all flavors of ch’arki and slims available to purchase at our table along with the other items I named. You will have to come and check us out if you want to see what other items we will have out for you to try! If you are feeling thirsty, stop by and purchase some lemonade or sweet tea to keep you hydrated!
We will be attending the street fair with our new refrigerated van, so that we can bring you fresh delicious products. This also means we will have room to bring along any pre-placed orders! If Croghan is a little bit closer to home for you, then place an order for pick up on Thursday at the street fair! You can place an order for anything from meat packages to baked goods. Send us a Facebook message to place an order for pick up in Croghan, or give the store a call at (315) 376-6253 extension 1. We will not have any fresh meat with us available for purchase so if these are items you need in your freezer, pre-order and we can bring it right to the fair with us for you to pick up!
note* Our website is NOT .org. We are in the process of correcting the writing on the van.